Handloading is a Solitary Art

Duane Thomas

Certain undertakings are not group activities, and handloading is one of them. Handloading is best undertaken by a single person, an individual who can give the process their undivided attention, from start-to-finish. Handloading is a safe undertaking that can be executed by anyone willing to learn a few simple rules. Some of those rules relate to how to avoid being distracted during a reloading session.

To start, have your reloading gear set-up in an area where you can be by yourself, with no distractions. Only handload in a location, and under conditions, where you can give it your full, undivided attention.
Only handload when alert and well-rested. Do not handload when extremely tired. Do not handload when ill. Do not handload when under the influence of alcohol or any drugs that might affect your mental acuity.

Budget a generous time period in which to complete however much handloading you need to accomplish. You should not feel rushed, but instead feel you can handload at a leisurely pace, taking whatever amount of time is necessary to give the process your complete attention at every moment.
Do not listen you the radio or watch television while handloading. No distractions.

Do not have another person present while handloading – the exception to this is, of course, when actually instructing another person in how to handload. Do not be engaged in conversation while handloading. Limit visitors while handloading – ideally to zero.

Children can be one of life’s greatest pleasures, however they have no place in the handloading area – again, unless they’re there to be instructed themselves in how to safely handload. Otherwise, children should know to stay out of the area when mommy or daddy is loading ammo.

Do not have a telephone in your handloading area. Do not carry your cell phone into the loading area. An unexpected phone call can distract you at the worst possible moment, and lead to problems with your loads that could have been easily avoided if you’d given the reloading process your full, uninterrupted attention. Ask me how I know.

Handloading is a solitary art, best accomplished alone. When we handload, we handload, and that’s all we do.

What are your feelings
Updated on March 22, 2024
